Giving Options

The Orono Public Library Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization recognized by the Internal Revenue Service. Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

The Foundation accepts gifts of cash, securities, personal property, and deferred gifts. Gifts may be made in memory of someone or to honor a loved one.

Please consult your attorney, accountant or tax advisor for details regarding the tax advantages of a particular gift of cash, securities, property or a deferred gift.

Cash Donation

A gift of cash is the easiest way to donate. You may mail donations to 

Orono Public Library Foundation
PO Box 308
Orono, ME 04473



A gift of appreciated stocks, bonds or mutual funds offers a substantial tax advantage for the donor. You can avoid capital gains and deduct the total value of the stock on the date the gift is received by the Foundation. Transfers are easy to arrange.

For more information and for details on how to donate securities, please contact OPLF Board President James Jackson Sanborn at or at 866-0240.

Planned or Deferred Gifts

A bequest allows you to maintain full control over your estate while providing the satisfaction of knowing your gift will ultimately benefit the Orono community. A charitable bequest can provide significant tax savings. Other planned gift tools include charitable remainder annuity trusts, charitable remainder unitrusts, and charitable lead trusts.